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omh debuted cemat asia 2020 asia international logistics exhibition with black technology
date of issue:2020-11-03

on november 3, 2020, cemat asia 2020 asia international logistics technology and transportation systems exhibition opened in shanghai new international exhibition center, omh with intelligent manufacturing system integrated solutions and sub-industry professional solutions, independent research and development of four-wheel drive all-directional coordinated motion control technology and classic project vr reality show.


omh black technology — four-wheel drive all-directional coordinated motion control technology: four-drive co-operation, modular architecture chassis, assembly agv preferred, intelligent heavy-duty production line standard.

black technology exhibition area crowd, industry experts, customers have stop to take pictures, to learn more about the four-wheel drive all-directional coordinated motion control technology.

industry experts and customer experience omh classic project vr reality show


expert exchanges, customer negotiations, endless stream


industry authorities are scrambling to report

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  • telephone:0351-3633918
  • mobile phone:13080310001
  • address:no.51, xinlan road, taiyuan, shanxi, china

all rights reserved:omh science group co.,ltd.

record number:jin icp no.12001603
technical support:long cai technology (shanxi) co., ltd.

all rights reserved:omh science group co.,ltd.

record number:jin icp no.12001603
technical support:long cai technology (shanxi) co., ltd.

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