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omh | four-wheel drive all-directional collaborative motion control technology commercial release successfully concluded
date of issue:2020-11-06

on november 6, 2020, cemat asia 2020 asia international logistics technology and transportation systems exhibition was successfully concluded, and the commercial launch of omh four-wheel all directional coordinated motion control technology was a complete success.

during the exhibition, omh won the "2020 china logistics well-known brands" award with professional intelligent manufacturing system integrated solutions, good market reputation, advanced application technology and rich implementation experience.

omh four-wheel drive all-directional collaborative motion control technology commercial release site


omh won the "2020 china logistics well-known brands" award

cemat asia 2021将于20211026日—29日在上海新国际博览中心举行,东杰智能将携集成智能工业互联网、人工智能和机器人等黑科技新品静候您的光临!

cemat asia 2021 will be held from october 26 to 29, 2021 at the shanghai new international expo center, omh will be with integrated intelligent industrial internet, artificial intelligence and robotics and other new black technology products waiting for you.

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contact us
  • telephone:0351-3633918
  • mobile phone:13080310001
  • address:no.51, xinlan road, taiyuan, shanxi, china

all rights reserved:omh science group co.,ltd.

record number:jin icp ****2001603
technical support:long cai technology (shanxi) co., ltd.

all rights reserved:omh science group co.,ltd.

record number:jin icp ****2001603
technical support:long cai technology (shanxi) co., ltd.

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